"Leave everything and follow me." This was the calling Cam and I heard one year ago when God called us to Calvin Crest. I still marvel at His goodness in helping us sell our home in Illinois, buy a home in Oakhurst, sell almost all of our possessions, wrap up our jobs, and celebrate the holidays in a matter of weeks before leaving family and friends to move across the country. Wrapped in the peace of God's clear leading, we accepted His invitation to trust Him with our future at Calvin Crest. We are "all in!" And what a year it has been!
Will you be "all in" with us?
Despite our growth in 2019, and our considerable work to restructure our operations to increase efficiency, we are still facing significant financial challenges that have been years in the making, and we are working hard to finish 2019 in the black. We can not do it without your generous partnership. When you invest in Calvin Crest, you are investing in the spiritual and relational transformation of year-round and summer staff, children and adults, men and women, marriages and families, adults with special needs, and thousands of students from across the Central Valley. You are investing in change and growth. You are making it possible to share the gospel with those longing for hope and healing. You are ensuring the legacy and rich history of Calvin Crest continues for generations to come.
Facilities Improvements
- West View bathrooms were fluffed and buffed and re-landscaped to protect from increasing erosion
- Offices were purged, painted, and re-organized
- The maintenance shop is undergoing purging and reorganization
- Needed stairs and platforms were built by our amazing AIMers
- Mountain View Lounge received new paint and carpeting thanks to Dionne Lyons and fall Work & Worship volunteers
- The Hillhouse was transitioned to staff housing
- Our land continues to be cleared in the burn areas; we planted more than 21,000 trees, and brought in goats to clear acreage of overgrown brush thanks to Tom Hobby and BioStewards
- More than 150 people attended our first annual Fall Crest Fest
Program Growth
- More than 110 women participated in Women's Retreat
- 60 volunteers participated in the Memorial Day Work & Worship Weekend to prepare Sherwood Forest for Summer
- Summer camp programs grew by 18% and lives were changed
- Men's Camp grew from 12 men in 2018 to 60 men in 2019
- The Outdoor School served 2,716 students from the Central Valley
- More than 2,117connected with God and one another
- Two staff weddings celebrated how God continues to build families through Calvin Crest
- More than 150 people attended our first annual Fall Crest Fest
Sustainable Improvements
- Ourstaff culture has grown more unified and healthy with regular training and accountability structures in place
- Three new board members joined our Board of Trustees (Sarah Friesen, Ginny Harrison, Sylvia Sloas)
- Extensive research was conducted to understand our industry, other camps in our region, effective staff structures, and equitable wages to help Calvin Crest become sustainable
- Our mission was presented in nearly 20 churches and local organizations, resulting in new donors, volunteers, and partners
- Our store product line was revamped with a whole new look
From all of us at Calvin Crest, we want to thank you for your incredible support. We pray you have the merriest of Christmases, and we can't wait to see you "all in" with us in 2020! Read the whole year end letter here.