Meet Cam!
We would like you to meet our Director of Buildings and Grounds, Cam Staman!
Cam began working at Calvin Crest in March 2019. Before he and his wife, Tiffany, moved to California, Cam spent twenty years in the telecommunications industry and has owned his own woodworking business, Against The Grain. He is honored to be a witness to the great legacy of Calvin Crest and its emerging future.
Cam and the Building and Grounds team have already renovated the Westview bathrooms, begun restoration on the benches at Vespers, and hope to repair the water lines in Sherwood Forest before summer begins. He has high hopes for what his team can accomplish. The theme for this year amongst his team is "Rebuilding the Foundation."
During his first two months on staff, he has seen what the future could look like here at Calvin Crest. "I came to realize fairly quickly that our first order of business was to rebuild the foundation. Before we can launch into some of the really exciting development pieces I am so looking forward to, we must organize and repair what we are already stewarding. I’ve also realized we need an army of people to get this task done. Fortunately, God is beginning to provide this ‘army’ through volunteer groups, such as the Memorial Day Work Weekend."
If you would like to contact Cam to discuss how your group can contribute to the restoration and transformation of Calvin Crest, reach out to him here.